Saturday, December 22, 2012

New Mayan Calendar Discovery

Well, I guess most of us made it past the apocalypse.  I heard through a potentially, though probably not too likely, reliable source that after months of meticulous archeological care in excavating the site of the definitive Mayan calendar, a team of German archeologists made an astounding discovery.

This team of scientists, through the use of the most state of the art technologies now available in imaging and mass spectrometer analysis determined there were other carvings on the underneath yet still buried side of the calendar.  Due to the age and fragile nature of the stone, great care and months of effort finally allowed the stone to be turned.

On the back side, the scientists discovered a 2013 calendar!  When the press secretary from The World Ends Today Organization (aka, Kiss Your Butt Goodbye Society) was contacted for their official response to this discovery, Ms Mala Justid's only remark was, "never mind".

In hind sight, maybe we should have paid more attention to the central image in the carvings... a Mayan face sticking its tongue out at all of us... probably wasn't an accident.

Friday, December 21, 2012

End Of The World Party

Now's your chance to go out in style and say that final good bye to your friends and loved ones.  Use it as your chance to tell off your boss...  say all those things you'd normally be afraid to say because of what might happen the next time you show up for work.  Who cares?  THE WORLD ENDS TONIGHT!!!!!

Come celebrate this once in a life time experience with the SLavE Girls DJ Band.  We'll be playing at Pueulla beginning at 1PM SLT until 2:30PM or the world ends, which ever comes first.

Let's all get together and see how it turns out!!!

SLave Girls DJ Band isn't like the usual tribute bands.  Rather than a tribute to a particular band, the tunes they use in their shows are tributes to female performers.  If you'd be interested in a booking, contact 2qt2bstr8 Baily in world.

SLavE Girls Band members:

Lead Vocals:  Ani (anibrm.jung)*
Lead Guitar:  2qt2bstr8 Baily*
Bass:  Tanya Palianta
Drums:  Kantbe Thursday

*Band Founder

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Christmas from SLavE Girls

If you've not ever heard of them, SLavE Girls is a "DJ Band" in Second Life™.  They're not really a tribute band, but their play list is always a tribute to female performers.  Their act is their tunes and their open chat.  They love to interact with their audience and they're always up for a good time!

Check 'em out the next time you get a chance.  If you'd like to look into booking them for a gig, contact  2qt2bstr8 Bailey, one of the band's founders, in world.

Keep an eye out for an announcement for an upcoming show that will herald in the new world... or not!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

SL™ Surfing Association Awards Ceremony

Group Notice From: SL Surfing Association, Cierra Theriac

You are invited to celebrate the successful conclusion of another great surfing season.

The 2012 Season 2 Awards Ceremony will be held:

Saturday, December 15th
11:00 am SLT
Attire: Formal Optional (We value your presence more than your clothing)

Please join the fun and festivities to celebrate the end of the season!

Monday, December 10, 2012

SL™ Public Surfing Sim Updates

There are a few places one can check to see lists of public surfing sims in Second Life™.  "In world", there's a information and freebie "giver" sign next to the loaner surfboard rezzer on the beach of the SL Surfing Association's (SLSA) home at Solace Dreams.  Just touch the sign to get the freebies, information notecards, and a list of land marks to some of the known public surfing spots.

The Surfwatch Wave Report has also just had updates to both the list by wave type and the alphabetical list.

Another good source for SL™ surfing sims is on Cierra Theriac's blog, Surf Side.  Cierra has a section on Surf Spots where she makes note of the type of wave at each location.

While you're at Cierra's blog, check out the post about the upcoming end of the season celebration and awards ceremony for the SLSA.

If you happen to check out the in-world surfing sim list, take a stroll over to the SLSA Hall of Fame building and give it a look-see.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

SL™ Avi Choice Awards is Back

The Avi Choice Awards started last year and they're at it again with their 2012 Avi Choice Awards.  These awards are intended to recognized people and talents of SL creations and are chosen by votes cast by SL™ residents.

Those of us who surf in SL™ have an opportunity to show our support by casting our votes for Favorite Sporting Event within the Misc Category

Hop on over to the Avi Choice Awards site, peruse the categories and cast your votes for your favorites.  Awards will be presented at the Avi Choice Program held at The Chirstmas Expo on Friday, December 14th at 6PM SLT.  They may not let you in if you show up in your best beachwear since this is a black tie and formal event.

This event is in support of Relay For Life!  For more information, check out the Avi Choice Awards blog.   To learn more about the Christmas Expo 2012, visit

Monday, December 3, 2012

SLSA Election Results

Swiped, er, cross posted from the SLSA's inworld group notices:

"Group Notice From: SL Surfing Association, Melian Catronis

Hello fellow peoples and peepettes of the SLSA--

After a record number of voters (32) the winners and new Directors of the SLSA are:

Cierra Theriac, Lauren Walker (ilaurenb), and Willowwynn.

MaryAnn Maa Rustamova and JohnnyWhadd followed very closely behind the others in results. Willow's election following her father Maldrul Morris, may make this the 1st multigenerational directorship in SLSA history.

Again, congrats to our new directors, and thank you everyone who ran and voted."

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Busy Day for SLSA

Today is a busy day for the Second Life Surfing Association.  Not only did they have the beginning of their Season 2 2012 final competition series begin with the Cape Mariana Jaw Open, it was their December 1st election day for three open Board of Directors positions.

We should be hearing the results of the election soon.  In the meantime, below are the results from today's Open competition:

Monday, November 26, 2012

SL Surfing Association - Meet Your Candidates

The SL Surfing Association will be holding its election for three Board of Director positions on December 1, 2012.  Cierra Theriac's great blog, Surf Side, which covers everything there is about the Second Life™ Surfing Association and things related to surfing in SL has posted the candidate submissions as received by the current SLSA Board of Directors.
There are a total of five Directors, with seats being vacated by Imzadi Amaterasu, Bobbi Laval, and Melian Catronis.  Remaining Directors are Sally LaSalle and Xander Datura.  Five candidates have submitted their applications to run for these three seats.  In the order their applications were received, they are MaryAnn Maa Rustamova, Willowwynn Resident, JohnnyWhadd, iLaurenB Resident, and Cierra Theriac.

Complete candidate submissions can be viewed on the SLSA forum or on Cierra's Surf Side blog.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

SLSA Season 2 Awards Ceremeony

The SLSA 2012 Season 2 Awards Ceremony has been Scheduled for December 15th at 11:00am SL Time.  Keep your eyes peeled for more information as is becomes available.  Plan on a couple of hours for the awards ceremony.  Bring some danc'n shoes, just in case.  Someone will no doubt be throw'n a party!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Great SL Surfing Association Competition!

Reef Rider Bobbi Laval came out on top at today's SL Surfing Association's Pro Competition at the historic Chi surfing sim, with other finalists Wilfrid DeCuir, Maldrul Morris, Cierra Theriac. Sally LaSalle, and Abel Halderman.

To get more details on the event along with some great pictures of the activities, check out Cierra Theriac's great blog about surfing in Second Life, Surf Side.

A Small Sampling from Unhinged

The Unhinged Festival for Eku's Head is getting a full head (coff, coff) of steamed.  There are some great merchants who are participating in the fun Gacha booths that will be open from now and until December 15th, 2012.

Here's just one sample for now of a red limited Unhinged skull edition of a tube top from [Haste].

There are some great rigged mesh Sugarskull boots with hand-drawn stitching from lassitude & ennui.  According to lassitude & ennui, this is entirely original content lovingly hand-made with free-range pixels.  The 60L$ gacha black / greyscale shown here is the rare one!

Come down and enjoy the fun!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Unhinged Festival for Eku's Head

My oldest friend in Secondlife is a woman who is wonderfully funny and witty, very intelligent, and a phenomenal builder in SL.  She's also very ill, not that you'd ever guess it from being around her.  She's like that.  When she's not building (and that's not very often), she enjoys going to clubs, dancing, and just general trouble making just as much as the next person... well, maybe even more.  Her name is Eku Zhong.  After seven years of treatments and surgeries, Eku is faced with another life threatening challenge.  She and her RL/SL partner, Yure, need our help.

Several of Eku and Yure's friends are having a fund raising festival, the Unhinged Festival For Eku's Head.  The festival will run from November 15, 2012 through December 15, 2012 and will be full of dancing to the music provided by DJ's and live performers, a big Gacha fair with lots of skull themed merchandise.  Check out the Unhinged web site for more information.