Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Memorial Observance

Sometimes one really does need to take somethings seriously.  I prefer not to very often, but this is a case where I will.

As some of you may know, MaryAnn Maa’s mother passed away recently. All friends of Maryann Maa or anyone interested in supporting Mary is cordially invited to be at Tsunami Beach Tropicana on Wednesday April 9th at 6PM SLT as her SecondLife family will gather and show support for Mary in a memorial observance of the recent passing of her mother.  As Mary held her Mother’s hand in those last days, it’s our time to show our support and offer a hand to Mary.

As it says in the sand at El Diablo:

[thanks to Brooke Leung and Mama (El Elephas) of El Diablo]

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Da Hui Comp updated Heat Draws and Staff Info

Straight from the mouth of the SLSA's Big D's, this Saturday's Open Competition Heat Draws and Staffing information:

SLSA Open Competition 3, 2014 S1
Solace Dreams
Board: HP5 (HP5 rezzer board)
Wave: Maoli Tahiti

11:00 am SL Time, Saturday April 5th
The first heat will be called to the beach at 10:45, please be there on time

AlexDanger (RED)
Sarah Pevensey (BLUE)
Mick Lunasea (GREEN)
Rachel Emodemon (ORANGE)
Summer Amaranth (PURPLE)
Yari Ziplon (BLACK)

Lanky Silvercloud (RED)
Zoso Zepp (BLUE)
Kairi Corral (GREEN)
Matt Mapp (ORANGE)
Daphne Yardley (PURPLE)

Annie Panties (RED)
Bri Graycloud (BLUE)
Missy Lovesu (GREEN)
TawnieLee (ORANGE)
Diamond Carbetta (PURPLE)

Ace (RED)
Robin Mapp (BLUE)
Cierra Theriac (GREEN)
Diego LaJolla (ORANGE)
Curshaw MacTagairt (PURPLE)
PsychoMac (BLACK)

Lourinho Nizna (RED)
Reigndrop (BLUE)
Dax Verlaine (GREEN)
Rose Morgan (ORANGE)
Figger Arun (PURPLE)

Note that every effort has been made to accommodate requests for Late or Early Heat Preferences, due to conflicting requests not all requests can be met.

EC/MC - Alvaro Pevensey
HJ - Wilfrid DeCuir
J1 - Monq Mapp
J2 - Robbin Ember
M - Neptune
S - Bobbi Laval
DJ - Samantha lane

Bobbi Laval
Harbor Piers
Shannon Cardalines
Zelda Zimberman
Brad Fresh
Colleen Brennan
Petra Xaris
Sally LaSalle
Wilfrid DeCuir
Monq Mapp
Alvaro Pevensey
Lilly Kona
Dax Kona
Rayzza Rubble

Public Surfing Sim List for April

The April updates to my public surfing sim list is posted.  You can find it at the shark warning sign at the home of the SLSA on Solace Dreams, at the landing point billboard on El Diablo, and in the information center at Encinitas on the Grid.

Please me holler at me (well, maybe just IM me politely) if you know of any that aren't on the list.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Surfing classes to begin

Starting this Friday, the newly formed Global Surf Treaty will begin offering surfing classes.  The classes are open to anyone interested in learning about surfing in SecondLife™ or who are wanting to learn more about the sport.  Be part of a large surfing community.  It's a great way to have fun and meet people.  It's hard to meet any friendlier people in SL than surfers.

First class to be held this Friday, April 4th at 6PM SLT (PST) at Countess Decosta's Island Sea Dreams.