Wednesday, August 28, 2013

SLavE Girls Celebrate 5th Anniversary

The SLavE Girls DJ Band just can't stop!

Come join them at the Art By Nature Gallery as they celebrate their 5th anniversary.  The show begins at 1PM SLT (PST) on Thursday August 29th, 2013.

Hope to see you there.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Solicitation for SL™ Surfing Association Board of Director Positions

As announced by the SL™Surfing Association today, the current Board of Directors is soliciting applications for soon to be open Board Positions.

As per the SLSA Constitution, we will be having a General Election to fill Board of Director positions. The election is scheduled to be held on August 31st, 2013

If you would like to help keep your SLSA running, please consider standing for election as an SLSA director. As with all Director positions, the term duration will be 6 months, in these cases from August 31st 2013 until February 28th 2014. Applications should be turned in between August 12th and August 26th.

If you wish to stand as a director, please create a note-card (IM's cannot be accepted) in-world, stating: your name, your willingness and ability to serve a full term, any affiliations of team, product or sim ownership, and a paragraph or two outlining your background, and your vision for the SLSA.

Send the note-card to all of the current sitting directors; Dax Kona ( 13Kuiz00) ,Petra(petra.xaris) , Dax Verlaine(dax.verlaine), Nico (nicolette1nico2nikki), Alvero (ignacio.pevensey)

Director eligibility is outlined in the following excerpt from the SLSA Constitution:

"2.2. SLSA Director Eligibility
Any individual who is a current member of SLSA and who is an eligible voter is eligible to hold office as a Director of the SLSA Board, within the following rule(s):

2.2.1. Not more than two (2) representatives from the same surf team (as defined in section 1.5.8) the same surf product vendor company (product developers, not affiliate sellers) the same surf sim(s) ownership group (sim owners, not sim renters)shall be Directors of the SLSA Board at any single time. Candidates will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis for this election condition. (e.g.,Continuing Director A is Surf Team X, Candidate B and Candidate C are also Surf Team X, then Candidate B would be accepted as a nominee if their application was received first, Candidate C’s nomination would not be accepted) A current SLSA member who is not an eligible voter may petition the board for the privilege of running for a Director seat. Their petition must state why their candidacy would be a benefit to the SLSA. If the board unanimously agrees that it is in the best interest of the SLSA the eligible voter requirement may be waived. This will be on a case-by-case basis and does not imply an endorsement of the particular candidate.

2.2.2. General Election Candidates shall apply in writing to all members of the standing board of directors (via note-card, IM’s are not admissible) not more than 21 days and not less than 14 days prior to an election. Candidate Applications must state their willingness and ability to serve their full 6 month term and must also state any team, product or Sim affiliations as defined in through

2.2.3. By-Election Candidates shall apply in writing to all members of the standing board of directors (via note-card, (IM’s are not admissible) not less than 2 days prior to an election, stating their team, product and sim affiliations as defined in through"

The SLSA is an associate by and for it's members.  If you have the interest and time to help represent the membership, please consider throwing your hat in the ring.

Monday, August 5, 2013

SL Surfing Association's 2013 Second Season Begins

Registration is now open for registration to the first competition of the SL Surfing Association's 2013 Second Season.  The Solace Dreams Open will be held on August 17th to be followed with the Pro event on August 24th.  This will be an SSi Short Board series on Tahiti waves.

To register for the event, you need to be a member of the inworld SL Surfing Association Group and register on the SLSA's web-base forum.

Not all competition venues have been selected for this coming season, but the line up so far is:

Solace Dreams , Short Board, Tahiti waves

Island Dreams, HP5, Moali waves

Still open

Chi, Fluffies, Short Board

Tsunami Wave - specific wave and board type have not yet been selected

If you're not able to compete and want to watch any of these Second Life based competitions, spectator are always available.  Stay tuned for specific spectator location information as we get closer to each event.