Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Jersey Boys Get A Secondlife

Sometimes you hear about something that’s just too good to pass up and share with your friends.  We’ve got such a thing coming up this week at the Waterfront Theater on T’ai.

The actors and crew of Waterfront, the same ones who brought you The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert  are bringing back a production of their version of The Jersey Boys

Many don’t realize the commitment and sacrifice these talented people go through in order to bring you productions like this.  I have an unconfirmed rumor that the actor in the lead role of Franky has gone through extensive reconstructive surgeries to transform his normal tall and athletic frame to that of the small, somewhat frail Franky.  I’ve also been told that was not enough for his normal rich baritone to be able to reach some of the signature Franky high notes.  A specially fabricated appliance will be worn and the director will be off stage utilizing a wireless remote to carefully time appliance “adjustments” to help reach those particularly high notes.

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime repeat performance of The Jersey Boys this Friday, February 27, 2015 at 3PM SLT.
General admission seating will be available, so please arrive early.  The show begins promptly at 3PM SLT at the T'ai Waterfront Theater and will be full hour of great entertainment!

To help get in the Friday night mood for fun, begin by dancing at Girls on Film on Chi with DJ Tanya beginning at 2PM SLT.  After the show, rejoin DJ Tanya at Punta Hydra.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Meet Your Candidates for the SLSA Board of Directors

From the SL Surfing Association forum post:

Meet Your Candidates for Two Vacancies on the Board of Directors to be filled by an election on March 1, 2015!

An election for 2 SLSA Director Positions will be held on March 1st, using a voting machine on Solace Dreams just outside the SLSA Clubhouse.
If you are an eligible voter (i.e., you have competed in one of the last 6 events or volunteered in one of the last 3 events or are a hall of fame inductee), you will receive a notice when voting is open.

We sincerely wish to thank each of the following candidates, who graciously and selflessly have chosen to stand for election on March 1st. We thank these candidates for their community spirit and willingness to serve. They all deserve our appreciation. Each of the following statements was prepared by the respective candidates.


Countess Decosta

Ive been around the surfing community since 2007 and been involved in all aspects of the community.

I would love to step up and help for the next six months


Name: Daphne Yardley-Wayward
Team: Lucky 13
Outside of Surfing: I cheer for SLCS Cheerleaders, I help run SLCS Airlines and I'm blocker for M.Inc.Riot Bitches of the Second Life Roller Derby Association.

My vision:
I think my vision for SLSA to expand it and make it more visible across grid. WIth the visibility, it can bring more sponsors to our competitions. Also organizing concerts with tribute bands and having parties will help our brand grow and attract more people that never have surf before.

I commit to serve a 6 month term.


I, Zelda Zimberman, am able to stand as director and fulfill the full six month term. I surf for Montego team. I've been surfing slsa comps since 2011 and enjoy having fun during the comps.

I like surfing with everyone and open to help out the group. I'm trying for director so I can see it still running. My vision for the slsa is for it to just be active. I think collaboration and word of mouth from everyone is important for the slsa to be noticed. I would also like to see more participation and most importantly, everyone having fun! ^.^


Monday, February 16, 2015

Big Kahuna Oahu Surf Contest!

Looks like a fun surfing competition is coming.  On February 22, 2015, Oahu and Ehukai Beach is holding a Big Kahuna Oahu Surf contest.  It's open to anyone who would like to give it a shot.  You can bring your own surfboard or use of one of the rezzers on either the Oahu or Kauai beaches.  Both SSi Fluffy and Maoli NetGen waves are running.

Competition rules are as follows:

1. Contest is open to all who show up on the Ehukai Beach by 1pm slt.

2.  All who want to enter contest must click the button on the contest board that says "Join Contest"

3. Contest will start with first contestant on the board.

4. Once the air horn goes off, the contestant has 2 minutes to show off your best moves on the waves.

5. Once the 2 minutes up, the air horn will blow and the contestant must leave the surf area so the next contestant can take their turn.

6. Contestants can bring their own surfboards or use one of the rezzers from either Oahu or Kauai beaches.

7. When surfing your set it's okay to use both waves on either Oahu or Kauai beaches.

8. Once all contestants have their chance to compete, the voting board will be opened up for voting for 15 minutes.

9. All competitors must vote.  

10. TPing your friends just to vote is not permitted.  If you want your friends to vote for you, then they must attend the event.

11. Winner will receive 1500L and the title of Oahu's Big Kahuana with your own special title in our Oahu group.

12. Most importantly good sportmanship is required and showing your aloha spirit is encouraged.  Good luck to your all and Mahalo.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

SLSA Call for Candidates

It's that time again, from MissyLovesu to all SL Surfing Association members:

As per the SLSA Constitution, we will be having a General Election to fill two Board of Director positions. The election is scheduled to be held on March 1st, 2015

If you would like to help keep your SLSA running, please consider standing for election as an SLSA director. As with all Director positions, the term duration will be 6 months, in these cases from March 1st 2014 until August 31, 2015. Applications should be turned in between February 9th and February 15th.

If you wish to stand as a director, please create a note-card (IM's cannot be accepted) in-world, stating: your name, your willingness and ability to serve a full term, any affiliations of team, product or sim ownership, and a paragraph or two outlining your background, and your vision for the SLSA.

Send the note-card to all of the current sitting directors; SummerRain Garnet, Petra Xaris, Lanky Silvercloud, MissyLovesu, and daphne yardley.

Director Eligibility is outlined in the SLSA constitution Section II.B. and can be viewed in the forum at viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1409 or on our web site (won't require a file download).

Monday, February 9, 2015

Registration for the Chi Fluffy SSi Shortboard Competition

Straight from the SL Surfing Association Board of Directors!

Registration for the Chi Fluffy SSi Shortboard Competition (first comp of Season 1 2015) is now open on the forum!

Comp will be at Chi

Board - SSi Shortboard
Wave - Maoli Fluffy Fun

OPEN- February 21
PRO- February 28

Registration will close at midnight SLT on Tuesday, February 17th.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Full Monty Performance Coming Soon (yes... again!)

That's right, but things will be a little different this time.  The performers this time will be the Waterfront Dancers joined by SL Surfing Association Team Tai Chi!

This is not your typical dance show, but a play.  Waterfront management encourages everyone to show up a little early, get all your IM's and group notices out of the way so you will be able to enjoy the entire show and follow the story line.

This will be a stage show based upon the movie and will be great fun.   And yes,  performers do end up doing the FULL MONTY!!!!!

When asked what she thought of the first performance, one member of the audience ( after being revived with smelling salts) could only utter, "Hubba, Hubba, Hubba".  Honest!  Would I make something like that up?

When:  February 7, 2015
Time:   3PM SLT
Where: The Waterfront Theater on Tai

Hope to see all of you there!

** All proceeds from this show will be given to help pay rent for the historic T'ai and Ch'i surfing sims **

Sunday, February 1, 2015

First SL Surfing Association Competition Series of 2015 Season 1 Announced

The SecondLife Surfing Association Board of Directors have announced the opening venue for this year's season one competition.  On Saturday, February 21st at 11AM SLT, the Open competition will begin on the historic surfing beach, Chi!   The Pro competition will take place the following Saturday, February 28th.

SSi Shortboards will be used on the Maoli Fluffy Fun wave.

These waves are already running on Chi, so LET THE PRACTICING BEGIN!!!!

What To Do If You Have Crabs

The week long celebration of El Diablo's 1st year as a SecondLife public surfing sim begins today at 5AM SLT with a daily sim-wide hunt.  Below is Brooke's explanation of how the hunt will work:

"Ok it's time for the hunt.. I wish it was as simple as go look for a Red Crab but its not. We figure we make you work for some of the gifts we have for you, like.....

His and hers Shark tooth necklace and earrings. Mesh bikini for her and board shorts for him. Beach towels with single female, male and couple animations. Ponchos with hud control texture change. Beach chairs..  I could go on but thats just some of the gifties we have for you. Now, how to find them.

The hunt will work this way: you will find clues hidden in the RED starfish located around Diablo. If you have never seen those, well you need to look around. Clicking on a RED starfish gives you fun facts about Baja wildlife or about the special places and history of Diablo itself. But now some of these RED starfish will also contain a clue on where to find a dreaded RED CRAB containing your prize. Quick recap, find the RED STARFISH with the clue in it then find the RED CRAB. 

Each day for 7 days, at 5 am SL time, a new clue will be hidden in a different RED starfish leading you to a new RED CRAB. Get the crabs and see a doctor, no i mean get the prizes. Once in place, all clues and crabs will remain until Saturday, February 7th, at 5 pm SL TIME. You will have a whole week to find the first one, but less than one day to find the last.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! When you find the red starfish, take a few minutes and read the note, not just the clue. Edumacate yourself on Diablo. Our Diablo Birthday Bash will be on Saturday the 7th, from 6pm to 9pm SL Time. ONE lucky person will win the BIG 3 PRIZE: a set one-of-a-kind Limited Edition Diablo Anniversary C-3 surfboards (Official surfboards of Scorpion Bay). There will be a trivia contest based on information in the notes found in the red starfish. You do NOT need to be present to win, but you must come to the party at some point and answer one of the questions correctly to be eligible for the drawing. SO READ THE NOTES!!!

We hope you enjoy hunting for the crabs as much as we enjoyed giving them to you. Ok that didn't come out right.  

Good Luck, have fun.

Your friends at Diablo"


As you may have heard, Scorpion Bay will be celebrating their 1st Birthday of the El Diablo surfing sim.  They’ll be having a week long anniversary celebration.  

Beginning Sunday February 1st at 5AM SLT, there will be a week long sim wide crab hunt with a new gift on each day.  There will be gifts for men and women.  The celebration will culminate in a beach party on Saturday the 7th from 6PM to 9PM SLT.

At the party will be a give away a set of three one of a kind, Special Edition Diablo C-3 surfboards designed and crafted by Shack Schapira, maker of the OFFICIAL surfboard of Scorpion Bay!

Here's a sneak peek at the boards