Monday, May 20, 2013

SL Surfing Association Director Nominations Extended

On June 1st, the SL Surfing Association will be holding a general election to fill 3 seats on the Board of Directors.  As of this writing, they have not received 3 candidate submissions.

According to the SLSA's Constitution, should there not be enough candidates to hold an election, competitions will be suspended until a full Board can be voted into office.

If you enjoy surfing in SL and love the thrill of competion, the SLSA and your surfing friends need you!

The deadline for submitting your nomination has been extended to Saturday, May 25th at midnight SLT.

If you wish to stand as a director, please create a note-card (IM's cannot be accepted) in-world, stating: your name, your willingness and ability to serve a full term, any affiliations of team, product or sim ownership, and a paragraph or two outlining your background, and your vision for the SLSA.

Send the note-card to all of the current sitting directors; Dax Kona (13Kuiz00) , Lauren Walker (ilaurenb) , Cierra (cierra.theriac), Nico (nicolette1nico2nikki), Willow (willowwynn).

Any individual who is a current member of SLSA and who is an eligible voter is eligible to hold office as a Director of the SLSA Board, within the following rule(s):

Not more than two (2) representatives from
  the same surf team, the same surf product vendor company (product developers, not affiliate sellers), or the same surf sim(s) ownership group


Candidates will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis for this election condition.

A current SLSA member who is not an eligible voter may petition the board for the privilege of running for a Director seat. Their petition must state why their candidacy would be a benefit to the SLSA. If the board unanimously agrees that it is in the best interest of the SLSA the eligible voter requirement may be waived. This will be on a case-by-case basis and does not 
imply an endorsement of the particular candidate.

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