"Ok it's time for the hunt.. I wish it was as simple as go look for a Red Crab but its not. We figure we make you work for some of the gifts we have for you, like.....
His and hers Shark tooth necklace and earrings. Mesh bikini for her and board shorts for him. Beach towels with single female, male and couple animations. Ponchos with hud control texture change. Beach chairs.. I could go on but thats just some of the gifties we have for you. Now, how to find them.
The hunt will work this way: you will find clues hidden in the RED starfish located around Diablo. If you have never seen those, well you need to look around. Clicking on a RED starfish gives you fun facts about Baja wildlife or about the special places and history of Diablo itself. But now some of these RED starfish will also contain a clue on where to find a dreaded RED CRAB containing your prize. Quick recap, find the RED STARFISH with the clue in it then find the RED CRAB.
Each day for 7 days, at 5 am SL time, a new clue will be hidden in a different RED starfish leading you to a new RED CRAB. Get the crabs and see a doctor, no i mean get the prizes. Once in place, all clues and crabs will remain until Saturday, February 7th, at 5 pm SL TIME. You will have a whole week to find the first one, but less than one day to find the last.
VERY IMPORTANT!!! When you find the red starfish, take a few minutes and read the note, not just the clue. Edumacate yourself on Diablo. Our Diablo Birthday Bash will be on Saturday the 7th, from 6pm to 9pm SL Time. ONE lucky person will win the BIG 3 PRIZE: a set one-of-a-kind Limited Edition Diablo Anniversary C-3 surfboards (Official surfboards of Scorpion Bay). There will be a trivia contest based on information in the notes found in the red starfish. You do NOT need to be present to win, but you must come to the party at some point and answer one of the questions correctly to be eligible for the drawing. SO READ THE NOTES!!!
We hope you enjoy hunting for the crabs as much as we enjoyed giving them to you. Ok that didn't come out right.
Good Luck, have fun.
Your friends at Diablo"
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