Monday, February 16, 2015

Big Kahuna Oahu Surf Contest!

Looks like a fun surfing competition is coming.  On February 22, 2015, Oahu and Ehukai Beach is holding a Big Kahuna Oahu Surf contest.  It's open to anyone who would like to give it a shot.  You can bring your own surfboard or use of one of the rezzers on either the Oahu or Kauai beaches.  Both SSi Fluffy and Maoli NetGen waves are running.

Competition rules are as follows:

1. Contest is open to all who show up on the Ehukai Beach by 1pm slt.

2.  All who want to enter contest must click the button on the contest board that says "Join Contest"

3. Contest will start with first contestant on the board.

4. Once the air horn goes off, the contestant has 2 minutes to show off your best moves on the waves.

5. Once the 2 minutes up, the air horn will blow and the contestant must leave the surf area so the next contestant can take their turn.

6. Contestants can bring their own surfboards or use one of the rezzers from either Oahu or Kauai beaches.

7. When surfing your set it's okay to use both waves on either Oahu or Kauai beaches.

8. Once all contestants have their chance to compete, the voting board will be opened up for voting for 15 minutes.

9. All competitors must vote.  

10. TPing your friends just to vote is not permitted.  If you want your friends to vote for you, then they must attend the event.

11. Winner will receive 1500L and the title of Oahu's Big Kahuana with your own special title in our Oahu group.

12. Most importantly good sportmanship is required and showing your aloha spirit is encouraged.  Good luck to your all and Mahalo.

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