Now's your chance to go out in style and say that final good bye to your friends and loved ones. Use it as your chance to tell off your boss... say all those things you'd normally be afraid to say because of what might happen the next time you show up for work. Who cares? THE WORLD ENDS TONIGHT!!!!!
Come celebrate this once in a life time experience with the SLavE Girls DJ Band. We'll be playing at Pueulla beginning at 1PM SLT until 2:30PM or the world ends, which ever comes first.
Let's all get together and see how it turns out!!!
SLave Girls DJ Band isn't like the usual tribute bands. Rather than a tribute to a particular band, the tunes they use in their shows are tributes to female performers. If you'd be interested in a booking, contact 2qt2bstr8 Baily in world.
SLavE Girls Band members:
Lead Vocals: Ani (anibrm.jung)*
Lead Guitar: 2qt2bstr8 Baily*
Bass: Tanya Palianta
Drums: Kantbe Thursday
*Band Founder
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