Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tsunami Open Heat Draws

As posted by Bobbi Laval on the SLSA’s online forum:  

Tsunami Open
June 7, 2014
11:00 am SL Time
Check-in for HEAT 1 10:45 am SL time

Mick Lunasea (RED)
MaryAnn Maa (BLUE)
Curshaw (GREEN)

Followingwaves Sirbu (RED)
TawnieLee (BLUE)
Daphne Yardley (GREEN)
Bethany Felisimo (ORANGE)

AlexDanger (RED)
Kairi Corral (BLUE)
Dax Verlaine (GREEN)
Carbetta (ORANGE)

WillowWynn (RED)
Yari Ziplon (BLUE)
missylovesu (GREEN)
Solly Lethecus (ORANGE)

Lourinho Nizna (RED)
Rachel Emodemon (BLUE)
bullet Admiral (GREEN)
Kristoffer Juneau (ORANGE)

Bobbi Laval
Sally LaSalle
Harbor Piers
Monq Pinklady
Zelda Zimberman
Shannon Cardalines
Petra Xaris
Lanky Silvercloud
Robin Mapp
Rayzza Rubble
Alvaro Pevensey
Sarahs Wirefly
Cierra Theriac
Surrize Mornington

EC - Roxyangel007
HJ - Bobbi Laval
J - Maldrul
J - Alvaro
Marshal - Alex Danger/Neptune
Security - Neptune & MaryAnn
DJ - DJ Reign

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Mermaids!?! At Bundy Reef?!?

Mermaids you say?  On Bundy Reef?

Well, maybe not true mermaids, but certainly Shack Schapira’s mermaid designs of his C-3 V2 surfboard as shown by Bundy Reef surfers Haylee (hauntedhaylee) and Kantbe Thursday.

The SL Surfing Association Board of Directors are now soliciting feedback from it’s members for consideration of the C-3 V2 as a sanctioned SLSA competition board.   To facilitate availability of a board to try, they have placed a “competition” rezzer on Solace Dreams .  Neptune Maa has a similar rezzer at Tsunami Beach.  These rezzers, however, provide a fixed configuration board set to “Option 3” out of three options and has the fluffy wave support turned off.

Solace Dreams

Tsunami Beach

For a complete evaluation of the capabilities of the C-3 V2, Tsunami Beach and several others have rezzers of fully functional boards so you can try all of the options and on different wave types.  There are a growing number of sims providing the C-3 V2 rezzers.  The following is a partial list of where you can find them (apologies to anyone I've not listed):

Catherine Hill Bay, Apollinaire 

Frozen Banana - Fruit Islands 


Praia do Forte - Cabo Frio

Thessaloniki  - Jamacia 

For those of you who would like to try a board on other sims that have rez permissions or rez areas, Shack’s Marketplace store has a free, fully functional demo board available at no cost.  The board will generate a “demo” banner over your head periodically, and derezz itself with not in use (it’s copy, so no worries about losing it).

Personally, I think this is a really fun board and has animations that can look very RLish in the hands of some people (this writer excluded).  Pop over to Bundy Reef sometime and see if you can catch Haylee.  She’s got the skills!

For those of you who can’t wait to read instructions (yawn…), the following is from Shack’s notecard that explains the differences in the settings and key commands for using the board.  I’ve become particularly adept at the recovery from a wipe out.  For those of you ready to get out there, jump on a board and hit the waves HAVE FUN and be sure to give your feedback to your favorite neighborhood SLSA Big D!

C-3 V2 Surfboard - instructions:

Rez it, sit on it,  and with the usual movement and direction keys, go find a wave.

Once in the wave, your Avatar(AV)  will adopt a surfing pose.  So easy ...enjoy the surf.


A dialog menu is displayed as you jump aboard:- 

        The options allow you to choose 3 different kinds of surfing experience.
            Option 1 gives a more realistic feel - slower but no less difficult.
            Option 2  is  faster and includes more surfing stunts.
            Option 3 is faster still, weight more forward and hence gets more push from the wave than Option 2.
        Select 'instructions' for a displays the the key usage.
        Select 'AV surf pos' to adjust the height of the AV above the board for standing animations.
          (use pg up and pg down keys  to raise/lower the AV, then select 'save and exit')
        Note:  to reduce script activity, the 'fluffy' option is best left in 'disable' state when not required.
Use the following keys with either option :-

Keys to use whilst sitting:-

Page Up.. .......................................... Displays the dialog menu
Right/left arrow with shift............. AV waves to friends
Back arrow........................................ Sit if lying / paddle backwards if sitting

Whilst paddling:-

Page Down.. .......................................Duck dive    (provided sufficient depth is available)

In 'wipe out'

Page Up.................................................Recovers from wipe-out

Surfing positions:-
Fwd key(held): .......................................................Moves the AV to the front of the board, dips the nose and increases speed.
Back key(held): .....................................................The AV adopts a crouching position and lifts the nose of the board.
Pg down key (held)................................................AV crouch
Pg down key(quick tap).......................................AV back flip
Pg up key (quick tap)............................................AV fwd flip
Back arrow with left or right...............................Fast Turn 

Advanced Board control (Option 2 and 3 only):-

Hold Fwd arrow key then Pg up key.................Board roll 360 forwards
Hold Back arrow key then Pg down key.........Board roll 360 backwards 
Shift key with right arrow key.............................Board roll 360 right
Shift key with left arrow key................................Board roll 360 left 

  note: these stunts operate when in direct contact with a wave - they are disabled in 'fluffies'. 

Motion Freeze and Self Induced Wipe-out

Should a rogue wave trap the board  beneath or within  it and then  become unsurfable,  the board can be frozen whilst the wave passes by.   To achieve this simply press and hold the left and right arrow keys together.  The board will freeze and once the wave has passed by release the keys.   A wipe-out  situation will result.


A summary of these instructions is available from the dialog menu.  They will appear on your screen for a while and then are viewable in your chat history.                                        
Key notation:

Right Arrow    (D)
Left Arrow      (A)
Fwd Arrow     (W)
Back Arrow    (S)
Pg Up               (E)
Pg Down           (C)