The SLavE Girls DJ Band just can't stop!
Come join them at the Art By Nature Gallery as they celebrate their 5th anniversary. The show begins at 1PM SLT (PST) on Thursday August 29th, 2013.
Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
Solicitation for SL™ Surfing Association Board of Director Positions
As announced by the SL™Surfing Association today, the current Board of Directors is soliciting applications for soon to be open Board Positions.
As per the SLSA Constitution, we will be having a General Election to fill Board of Director positions. The election is scheduled to be held on August 31st, 2013
If you would like to help keep your SLSA running, please consider standing for election as an SLSA director. As with all Director positions, the term duration will be 6 months, in these cases from August 31st 2013 until February 28th 2014. Applications should be turned in between August 12th and August 26th.
If you wish to stand as a director, please create a note-card (IM's cannot be accepted) in-world, stating: your name, your willingness and ability to serve a full term, any affiliations of team, product or sim ownership, and a paragraph or two outlining your background, and your vision for the SLSA.
Send the note-card to all of the current sitting directors; Dax Kona ( 13Kuiz00) ,Petra(petra.xaris) , Dax Verlaine(dax.verlaine), Nico (nicolette1nico2nikki), Alvero (ignacio.pevensey)
Director eligibility is outlined in the following excerpt from the SLSA Constitution:
"2.2. SLSA Director Eligibility Any individual who is a current member of SLSA and who is an eligible voter is eligible to hold office as a Director of the SLSA Board, within the following rule(s):
2.2.1. Not more than two (2) representatives from the same surf team (as defined in section 1.5.8) the same surf product vendor company (product developers, not affiliate sellers) the same surf sim(s) ownership group (sim owners, not sim renters)shall be Directors of the SLSA Board at any single time. Candidates will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis for this election condition. (e.g.,Continuing Director A is Surf Team X, Candidate B and Candidate C are also Surf Team X, then Candidate B would be accepted as a nominee if their application was received first, Candidate C’s nomination would not be accepted) A current SLSA member who is not an eligible voter may petition the board for the privilege of running for a Director seat. Their petition must state why their candidacy would be a benefit to the SLSA. If the board unanimously agrees that it is in the best interest of the SLSA the eligible voter requirement may be waived. This will be on a case-by-case basis and does not imply an endorsement of the particular candidate.
2.2.2. General Election Candidates shall apply in writing to all members of the standing board of directors (via note-card, IM’s are not admissible) not more than 21 days and not less than 14 days prior to an election. Candidate Applications must state their willingness and ability to serve their full 6 month term and must also state any team, product or Sim affiliations as defined in through
2.2.3. By-Election Candidates shall apply in writing to all members of the standing board of directors (via note-card, (IM’s are not admissible) not less than 2 days prior to an election, stating their team, product and sim affiliations as defined in through"
The SLSA is an associate by and for it's members. If you have the interest and time to help represent the membership, please consider throwing your hat in the ring.
Monday, August 5, 2013
SL Surfing Association's 2013 Second Season Begins
Registration is now open for registration to the first competition of the SL Surfing Association's 2013 Second Season. The Solace Dreams Open will be held on August 17th to be followed with the Pro event on August 24th. This will be an SSi Short Board series on Tahiti waves.
To register for the event, you need to be a member of the inworld SL Surfing Association Group and register on the SLSA's web-base forum.
Not all competition venues have been selected for this coming season, but the line up so far is:
Solace Dreams , Short Board, Tahiti waves
Island Dreams, HP5, Moali waves
Still open
Chi, Fluffies, Short Board
Tsunami Wave - specific wave and board type have not yet been selected
If you're not able to compete and want to watch any of these Second Life based competitions, spectator are always available. Stay tuned for specific spectator location information as we get closer to each event.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Now's the Time to Catch a Wave
Is it a fire? Is it a flood? Are the glaciers approaching the shore? I don't have a clue, but I do know that if you've ever wanted surfable waves in SecondLife™ nows the time to get some.
Maoli Waves & Ramps is having what is being called an Emergency Sale. All waves are 50% off. Yep, that's what I said, 50 F'ing percent off!!!!
The sale runs from Friday, July 26, 2013 through Sunday the 28th. This sale is only offered at Maoli's main store.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
SLSA Meet Your Candidates
Stolen, er, cross-posted from Cierra Theriac's posting to the SL Surfing Association's web-based discussion forum.
Below are the nominations that were received for the three opening seats on the Board of Directors. They are listed in the order they were received.
My Name is JohnnyWhadd and I wish to stand for election and an SLSA Director. I am willing and able to serve the full six month term from the dates needed of me and/or beyond.
As a person who lives life to love, laugh & learn, I have been fortunate enough to provide my efforts and my skillset in a variety of capacities. First, starting in High School, i volunteered at St. Josephs Hospital as an ER tech, then, moved to FLA where I learned to surf in rl and worked as a p/t lifeguard in Grayton Beach. This is where I learned to surf and to love mother ocean. Through the next decade, I found myself helping out with AWARE (animal Welfare and rescue) Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross, i am a certified C.E.R.T. officer, Managed fund-raising efforts for the GRRA (Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta), and recently, Have been assisting in the educating of our youth in the areas of our Constitution and 2nd amendment rights. I was taught at an early age that it's really not about what ya got, but rather what you give! So I am here to be the best person i can, to help and recruit newcomers and to win as many comps as possible. >.<
I would like to gain a healthy knowledge base which would allow for possibly another term as a director.
Being as new as I am to the SLSA, I am gaining more and more of an understanding of what this great organization is all about. At the moment, I really do not see an adverse issue but will keep an open mind to assess and apply my best efforts to resolve.
I have read the SLSA Constitution, and understand the importance of how the SLSA is organized and somewhat of how it operates. it was created in the first place.
I am sending my Intent to run to the currently sitting directors
Cierra Theriac
iLaurenB Resident
Dax Kona
Willowwyn Resident
I iLaurenB Resident hereby claim my willingness and ability to serve a full term as a director of the SLSA. I am currently affiliated with Team Montego and also have almost completed my first full 6 month term as Director . In the future I plan on owning a sim that will be associated for the SLSA. I was encouraged by a couple of people to join the SLSA community therefore I am now currently competing for the second season. I have learned what its like to just go out and have fun with people that like to do what I like as well. Since joining the community I have became more confident and less doubtful of myself. I've learned things day to day from some of my mentors and have grown much more into the SLSA. Because of them, I would just like to give and reach out to the community that will last worth while for the better. My vision for the SLSA is to become more growing as a surf community. To do that I envision to hold events getting us closer for what we can be. I think if we put a variety of boards for competitions it will become more effective to the community and also have more learning experience for others. With saying that, I hope the best for such an awesome and outgoing group of surfers!
I'm Alvaro Pevensey, I'm willing and able to commit my time and serve a full term. I'm a Team Tai Chi Zen member, I don't own any products or teams, I just love to surf.
I started surfing around the start of 2009, On Mori. I also had a hut in Monkey Cove and surfed there as well. I started competing last season, the second of 2012 and absolutely loved it, the atmosphere and the friendships. I see the SLSA as a link between us all, keeping surf alive and helping others to love surfing for the sake of surfing. I'm canadian, in Toronto, I've worked in advertising all my life, I'm fully bilingual, english/spanish, and would like to contribute with that to the SLSA and all its members, current and all new members we might turn into surfers.
That's all, thank you.
– Alvaro
My name is Robbin Ember.
I am ready and willing to serve a term, as I have before, on the board.
I am affiliated with Montego, for fun and friends.
I have no commercial affiliations.
I have some experience, but I have no patience or use for small clicks or political groups. I just know that I love this group, and have many friends, and that is most important.
As I have posted before, believe it or not, my feelings and thoughts are all in the shape of a heart, always, and that is my only interest.
Monday, May 20, 2013
SL Surfing Association Director Nominations Extended
On June 1st, the SL Surfing Association will be holding a general election to fill 3 seats on the Board of Directors. As of this writing, they have not received 3 candidate submissions.
According to the SLSA's Constitution, should there not be enough candidates to hold an election, competitions will be suspended until a full Board can be voted into office.
If you enjoy surfing in SL and love the thrill of competion, the SLSA and your surfing friends need you!
The deadline for submitting your nomination has been extended to Saturday, May 25th at midnight SLT.
If you wish to stand as a director, please create a note-card (IM's cannot be accepted) in-world, stating: your name, your willingness and ability to serve a full term, any affiliations of team, product or sim ownership, and a paragraph or two outlining your background, and your vision for the SLSA.
Send the note-card to all of the current sitting directors; Dax Kona (13Kuiz00) , Lauren Walker (ilaurenb) , Cierra (cierra.theriac), Nico (nicolette1nico2nikki), Willow (willowwynn).
Any individual who is a current member of SLSA and who is an eligible voter is eligible to hold office as a Director of the SLSA Board, within the following rule(s):
Not more than two (2) representatives from the same surf team, the same surf product vendor company (product developers, not affiliate sellers), or the same surf sim(s) ownership group .
Candidates will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis for this election condition.
A current SLSA member who is not an eligible voter may petition the board for the privilege of running for a Director seat. Their petition must state why their candidacy would be a benefit to the SLSA. If the board unanimously agrees that it is in the best interest of the SLSA the eligible voter requirement may be waived. This will be on a case-by-case basis and does not imply an endorsement of the particular candidate.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
SL Surfing Association Announces Solace Dreams Competition
Cross posted from Group Notice From: SL Surfing Association, Cierra Theriac
Come one, Come all!
Registration is open for the Solace Dreams Longboard series.
Dates: May 18 (Open) and May 25 (Pro) at 11:00AM SLT
Place: Solace Dreams
Wave: Maoli Tahiti
Board: SSi Longboard
All SLSA members must register on the SLSA's forum to compete:
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Thar Be Pirates Out Thar!!!
Those dad burned pirates have been at it again! Lots of buried treasure to be found, matie!
The FIRST Annual
Sand and Sea Expo
May 2-5, 2013
Avast! There's treasure buried in these sands!
That dastardly pirate, Captain Flint, is rumored to have hidden treasure all over this island (and even in the surrounding waters)! While she never made a map to her treasure (people might have found the treasure then!), it's rumored that she marked her treasures by placing a pink shell over where they're buried.
Of course, there are lots of shells on an island like this. But, if you dig under the shells, you may find some great treasure!
More details and examples of some of the buried treasure can be found on the Sand and Sea Expo blog.
Better take a friend to watch your back. Ye never be know'n if'n pirates be lurk'n 'bout, look'n fir more bootie!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
SLSA's Heat Draws for Tai Open Competition
The SL Surfing Association has posted the heat draws for this upcoming Saturday's Open competition. Access to Tai will be closed to competitors and staff during the competition, but spectators are welcome to watch from the neighboring sim, Chi.
Tai, Open Heat Draw
April 13th, 11:00 am SL Time (SLT)
Call for Heat 1 at 10:45 am SLT
5 heat format, top 10 scores advance to pro, top 5 score to mini final
Heat 1
Petra Xaris (RED)
KatieLove Adored (BLUE)
Robbin Ember (GREEN)
Rachel Emodemon (ORANGE)
Heat 2
ilaurenb (RED)
Cierra Theriac (BLUE)
Lilly Wumpole (GREEN)
Sed Southpaw (ORANGE)
Heat 3
Dax Verlaine (RED)
roxyangle007 (BLUE)
Serenity Lillanna (GREEN)
Heat 4
JohnnyWhadd (RED)
missylovesu (BLUE)
Diamond Carbetta (GREEN)
Heat 5
Mick Lunasea (RED)
Ashoka Mosely (BLUE)
Rayzza Rubble (GREEN)
Pre-Qualifying for the Pro Event
Sally LaSalle
Sunrize Mornington
Abel Halderman
Jordan Mendle
Zelda Zimberman
Colleen Brennan
followingwaves sirbu
Figger Arun
Harbor Piers
WillowWynn Resident
Shannon Cardalines
Amphiprion Bellingshausen
Maldrul Morris
Lourinho Nizna
Melian Catronis
Open Staff:
EC: Cierra
HJ: Imzadi Amaterasu
J: Nico
J: Sunny
M: Cloudy
SO: Sally LaSalle
Monday, April 1, 2013
SLavE Girls at Pacific Ocean Beach Club Today
The SLavE Girls are at it again.
They'll be rock'n the club at Pacific Ocean Beach at Tiare de Coco today (April 1, 2013) from 2:00PM to 3:30 SLT (PST).
The Girls dancing during a recent performance at Girls on Film. From left to right are Kantbe, Tanya, Ani, and 2qt2bstr.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Kantbe Real?
SLavE Girls is an all-girl DJ Band in Second Life™. They're not a "tribute" band in the more traditional since, but one that performs rock and pop tunes as a tribute to female performers.
There seems to be some confusion as to who is the real Kantbe in the SLavE Girls DJ Band. Come see the Girls play at Club Evo at Noon SLT (PST) this Sunday, February 17th and decide for yourself!
Click here to join the SLavE Girls fan group to keep up with all of our mischief and shows!
Click here to join the SLavE Girls fan group to keep up with all of our mischief and shows!
Friday, February 15, 2013
What was Old is now New!!!
The Maoli North surfing sim on Fun Haven is now open to the public. This has been a limited access surfing beach, but will be opened to the public and may remain so for as long as people keep using it.
Be warned (if this is a warning), partial nudity is encouraged to feel the full impact of the waves and the wind.
So get suited up (in part) and check out this one out!
SLSA Braata Surf Open Heat Draws
The SL™ Surfing Association (SLSA) will be holding its first competition event of 2013's Season One at Braata Beach this Saturday February 15th at 11:00AM SLT (PST). Surfers in the first Heat should be ready to be called to the beach at 10:45AM SLT.
The spectator area is open to everyone. If you've never seen surfing in Second Life™ come party in the stands and enjoy watching the surfing.
Heat Draws for the Braata Surf Open Competition:
Heat 1
Followingwaves Sirbu (Red)
Retro Huxxely (Blue)
JustSurfSparkie Resident (Green)
Amphiprion Bellingshausen (Orange)
Heat 2
nicolette1nico2nikki (Red)
alliejj (Blue)
wanderjr (Green)
Fonda Fugue (Orange)
BelleReveDeux (Purple)
Heat 3
Rachel Emodeon (Red)
JohnnyWhadd (Blue)
Zelda Zimberman (Green)
13kuiz00 (Dax) (Orange)
Skaterider (Purple)
Pre-Qualifying for the Pro Event
Wilfrid DeCuir
Sunrize Mornington
Abel Halderman
Colleen Brennan
Sally LaSalle
Mick Lunasea
Figger Arun
Willowwynn Resident
Petra Xaris
Ignacio Pevensey
Ashoka "Ace" Mosely
Shannon Cardalines
Lourinho Nizna
Robbin Ember
Melian Catronis
Curshaw Resident
Harbor Piers
MarkFoo Waverider
Open Staff:
EC: Sally LaSalle
HJ: Cierra Theriac
J: Wilfrid DeCuir
J: Sunny Mornington
M: Cloudy Mikado
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
2013 *Heart's Desire* Pleasure Faire
In the tradition of the "real life" Renaissance Faires, the Second Life™ role playing group, Light and Shadow, will be celebrating their 2013 *Heart's Desire* Pleasure Faire from February 14th through the 17th.
The Faire is "partly a craft fair, partly historical reenactment and partly performance art". In addition to being in a Medieval setting, the role play includes characters and roles based upon themes such as Dungeons and Dragons™, Forgotten Realms™, and others. Visitors are encouraged to wear medieval period clothing. Linden Labs has provided everyone with medieval fantasy clothing in their Inventory. There is a welcome kit at the Sylvhara Welcome Center that has instructions on how to find those items and also lists a couple of free options on Markeplace.
Drop by and enjoy the events. If you keep a close eye out, you might even see me as one of the traveling minstrels and jugglers.
For more details and schedules of events, visit the Light and Shadow Pleasure Faire website.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Maoli Wave Demo Video and Florida Fluff Sale
I caught Denise Foxtrot on the waves outside her Maoli Waves & Ramps - Mainstore and Beach the other day and shot a bit of video footage. Denise is on her HP5 board on her Freestyle 100 mesh wave and her newest small wave, the Florida Fluff.
The fluff is a hoot on the HP5 and on the latest LSD board. I tend to prefer the SSi boards, but I have to admit I had fits with the fluff until I jumped on the LSD and HP boards. You can see from the video that there's almost no wait time between waves, at least on Denise's configuration on her sim.
There's an introductory sale on the Florida Fluff until Midnight SLT (PST) Friday, or until Denise goes to bed… hahaha. The introductory price is 5000L$. The regular price will be 6500L$.
Give it a try on Bellisimo.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sponsor the SLSA's 2013 Surf Season
The SL™Surfing Associating is signing up sponsors for their upcoming first competition season of 2013. This year will have new waves, new venues, new members, of course, and a few other surprises.
If there are lots of options for being a sponsor of this fun activity for a group that's well over 800 strong. I've stolen, er, copied by permission, the sponsorship details below. If you have any questions or would like to get something else, contact any of the current SLSA Directors: Xander Datura (Sponsor liason), Sally Lasalle, willowwynn, iLaurenb or Cierra Theriac.
The following details were provided by Xander Datura (I'll be darned if I'm gonna type all of this):
SPONSOR THE SLSA's 2013 Surf Season 1!!!
New waves, New Venues, New Members.
1. SLSA Sponsor New Additional Benefit
2. SLSA Booster Program, for Individual and Team Sponsors.
3. SLSA Sponsorship Levels
3.1 “TITLE” Sponsorship
3.2 GOLD Sponsors
3.3 SILVER Sponsors
3.4 BRONZE Sponsors
4. Contact information
1. SLSA Sponsor New Additional Benefit
This Season SLSA Sponsors will receive a new benefit for their continued and generous support that allows us to keep running fun and successful competitions.
The SLSA is pleased to announce that SLSA Sponsors will now be able to direct-market to the entire (1100 plus) SLSA group a number of times per month, based on their level of sponsorship as follows.
* Gold Sponsors twice per month
* Silver Sponsors once per month
* Bronze Sponsors once every 2 months
Messages will be submitted to the Sponsor Manager, who will then send them to the group using the SLSA's Postmaster Messaging Gadget. Messages can include a notecard, landmark, object, texture or any combination of these. The Postmaster system sends messages when people are online to ensure delivery, and each Sponsor Message will be queued for 24 hours, to target members coming on line, after 24 hours, the remaining unsent messages will be sent as offline messages.
Because the messages will be sent via the SLSA Sponsor Messaging system, members may choose to opt out of receiving messages; however, we would encourage all members to take the time to support our generous sponsors.
Messages will also be posted to the SLSA Facebook page and tweeted through the two SLSA Twitter Channels.
2. SLSA Booster Program
In addition to our existing commercial sponsorship levels, Individuals and Teams are able to sponsor the SLSA season, with the new “SLSA Booster” program. The revenue from his stream of will be pooled, divided and donated evenly to the 5 surf venues that so generously, provide a place for all of us to enjoy surfing competition at their expense.
The INDIVIDUAL SLSA Booster Program will have 3 levels of Individual sponsorship
* Diamond 6000L per season, Diamond Dog tag necklace, Name on Diamond Rotating Sponsor Panel on the Sim and on the Competition Stands
* Ruby 3000L per season, Ruby Dog tag necklace, Name on Ruby Rotating Sponsor Panel on the Sim and on the Competition Stands
* Emerald 1000L per season, Emerald Dog tag necklace, Name on Emerald Rotating Sponsor Panel on the Sim and on the Competition Stands
Individuals will also receive a special recognition Tag in the SLSA Group.
Team Boosters are for SURF TEAMS they will be set at 5000L per Season and will have the Team Flag fly over the Spectators stands for the season. A plaque of recognition will also be given for display in the team's Clubhouse.
3. SLSA Sponsorship Levels
For the purposes of this document an event is one day of competition while a series is the two days of competition at the same sim (usually 2 Saturdays in a row within one month), and a season is all 5 series’ (5 months in a row.)
* It should be noted, that the number of competitions per series may be 1 or 2 depending on the number of competitors that register for the series. The first event in a series contingent upon more than 30 surfer registrations is known as the Open Competition. The second event in a series, which runs irrespective of registration numbers, is known as the Pro competition
3.1 “TITLE” Sponsorship (Offered to Host Sims first)
• Logo/name/Branding on rash guards (back)
• 3 1024×512 ratio banners placed throughout the event with ability to give out as many freebies or other objects, notes and Landmarks as you want per touch
• 6 x Additional double-sided square banners with shared 35 second rotation with other Gold level sponsors
• 3 Announcements from the DJ during the first event
• 4 Announcements from the DJ during the second event
• Placement of branding on the SLSA website as a clickable SLURL (
• Placement of branding on trophies for the event,
• 2 Messages for the month (with attachments) Direct marketed to the 1100+ member group
Price for 1 season series = (2 competitions*): 5000 L
3.2 GOLD Sponsors:
• 1 large square banner on the presentation deck which can give 1 Landmark, 1 Note card and 1 Object (freebie box) per touch. (Presentation deck gets most photo exposure),
• 6 additional large square double-sided banners providing rotating exposure of your brand shared by other gold sponsors in 35 second rotations,
• 2 Announcements from the DJ during the first event,
• 3 Announcements from the DJ during the second event,
• Placement of branding in the SLSA website Sponsor Page as a clickable URL or SLURL (
• Gold level season event sponsors will additionally get front page web site and rotating forum exposure
• 2 Messages for each month (with attachments) Direct marketed to the 1100+ member group
Currently available options:
3500 L per series (2 competitions* each series)
14000 L for all 5 series of the season (20% off)
11900 L for 4 series of the season (15% off)
9450 L for 3 series of the season (10% off)
6650 L for 2 series of the season (5% off)
3.3 SILVER Sponsors:
• 1 fixed medium banner placed on the mid-level seating deck which can give 1 Landmark and 1 Note Card per touch,
• 6 additional medium square banners providing rotating exposure of your brand shared by other silver sponsors in 45 second rotations,
• 1 Announcements from DJ during the first event,
• 2 Announcements from DJ during the second event,
• Placement of branding in the SLSA website sponsor page as a clickable URL or SLURL (
• 1 Message for each month (with attachments) Direct marketed to the 1100+ member group
Currently available options:
1800 L per series
7200 L for all 5 series of the season (20% off)
6120 L for 4 series of the season (15% off)
4860 L for 3 series of the season (10% off)
3420 L for 2 series of the season (5% off)
3.4 BRONZE Sponsors:
• 1 fixed small Banner on the lower seating deck which can give 1 Landmark on click,
• 6 additional small square banners providing rotating exposure of your brand shared by other bronze sponsors in 60 second rotations,
• 1 Announcement from the DJ during the first event,
• 1 Announcement from the DJ during the second event,
• 1 Message every 2nd month (with attachments) Direct Marketed to the 1100+ member group
Placement of branding in the SLSA website Sponsor Page as a clickable URL or SLURL (
Currently available options:
900 L per series
3600 L for all 5 series of the season (20% off)
3060 L for 4 series of the season (15% off)
2430 L for 3 series of the season (10% off)
1710 L for 2 series of the season (5% off)
For Sponsorships covering more than one series you can pay:
- The full amount up front
- Half before the 1st series of your sponsorship and half before the 2nd.
DJ Announcements must be written by the sponsor and submitted to the Event Coordinator for approval by the Wednesday prior to the event at noon. They should be approximately 30 seconds in length when read aloud, but not longer.
We also require a 512×512 texture for the Banner placement ads (and a 1024×512 texture for the title sponsor). The textures and all other sponsor items must have full perms in order to be placed on site or in the spectator stands givers.
In case of any questions, requests or orders please don't hesitate to contact an SLSA Director or sponsor liason; Xander Datura (Sponsor liason), Sally Lasalle, willowwynn, iLaurenb or Cierra Theriac. THANKS
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
SL™ Surfing Association Competition Judges Training
Swiped from the notices of the SL™ Surfing Association group:
Group Notice From: SL Surfing Association, WillowWynn
Calling all judges who want to be head judges!
This Sunday at Noon, SLT Sally LaSalle is going to host a Head Judge class for all qualifying judges. To qualify you have to have gone through judge training and have judged at least 2-3 comps. The larger of a pool of judges we have to work with for scheduling the smoother and more fun the comps will be for all.
So please attend.
We all thank you! :)
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Very Preggy Revy Gives Birth
Well… kinda sorta… If you've seen Revy, you know she's about to pop with another SurferKind, but that's now what this news is about. This is about Preggy Revy giving birth to a new surfboard in Second Life.
Revy has come out with a kit for a DIY SL™ surfboard. For those of you who don't know Revy, I'm talk'n about Revy Lunasea (Revlon Benoir). She's the smarter and prettier half of the Revy & Mick Lunasea couple.
Revy's idea with this project is to create a learning tool to help the SL™ community have something to help them understand a bit about the internals of how a surfboard works. It's designed to work with most of the surf-able waves in Second Life and use the normal WASD and Arrow Keys for interacting with the riding scripts. The DIY board doesn't have all of the trick and other animation features of some of the commercial boards, but it does have the basics for sitting, paddling, standing, and turning in and out. However, since this is an open DIY board, tricks and other things can be added (if you've got a lot more scripting talent than this writer). While this isn't an SL™ Surfing Association sanctioned board, it can be a free way to learn more about surfing and end up with a surf-able board you've customized.
These boards will be available at Surfcrazy and Pray 4 Surf shops on Bratta Beach and at Surfcrazy Tsunami and Pray 4 Surf Tsunami on Freeport Beach.
To help with figuring out how to use and modify the board, Revy has posted complete instructions on her Revy's World website.
If a Do It Yourself thing isn't your thing, Revy will be coming out with a more enhanced commercial version of this board that is planned to include things like Mocap surfing animations, tricks, mesh decks, and configuration menus. Keep an eye out at the Surfcrazy and Pray 4 Surf shops for availability soon.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Survey about SL™ Business
I ran across this and thought it might be kind of interesting. The Centre for Business Development is doing a survey of SL™ residents from both a consumer and a business operator perspective. While I'm personally a cheapskate in SL™ and RL, I'm not immune to the old shopping bug.
According to the SL Business Review, "The Centre for Business Development, in its first official initiative composed a survey to get a sense of some feelings and perspectives from the SL community and virtual business owners." The Centre says they're, "a collaborative of business people in SL dedicated to growing and improving SL to benefit residents, businesses and Linden Labs."
There are no specific personal questions about SL™ or RL asked in the survey (unless you consider sex personal... hmmm). If you're concerned about them farming your location from your IP address, use a proxy server or something while taking the survey.
Who knows if this will help any of us out, but I'm going to keep tabs on it and see what they have to say once the survey results are analyzed. Hopefully it will be more insightful than the recently published study, "Virtually Naked: Virtual Environment Reveals Sex-Dependent Nature of Skin" by Anna M. Lomanowska, Matthieu J. Guitton. I mean, after extensive data collection and analysis, it was determined women in SL™ show more skin than men? Really? Have you seen the new resizable mesh breasts? Ahh... that's another story.
Actually, it is a pretty interesting read.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for anything I say or report, let alone any risk associated with going to other web sites such as the above nor use of any proxy server.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
New Year's Ball with SLavE Girls at Girls on Film
Girls on Film will be hosting SLavE Girls DJ Band for a 2013 New Year Ball today at 1PM PST at the club on Second Life's historic Chi, home of the SL™ Surfing Association's surfing competition.
As Tanya says, "Come join the party at Girls on Film. You know you want to."
Step in the limo and come on up.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
SL™ Surfing Association Looking for Competition Venues
Today, on behalf of the SL Surfing Association, Cierra Theriac posted the following:
Have you always wanted to host a SLSA competition? Have you hosted before and can't wait to host again? The time has come to submit your sim for consideration for 2013 Season 1. The first event is set for February 16th and the season will conclude on June 29th.
To submit your sim go to to fill out the questionnaire. All applications need to be submitted by midnight SLT, January 18, 2013.
We can't wait to receive your application. Don't delay, get it in today!
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